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 7 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Chen Hongshou"Advanced Search
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The dragon king revering the Buddha, Ming dynasty, early-mid 17th century. Creator: Chen Hongshou.
Figures, flowers, and landscapes, one leaf dated 1627. Creator: Chen Hongshou.
Landscape, mid-17th century. Creator: Chen Hongshou.
Bodhisattva Guanyin in the Form of the Buddha Mother, dated 1620. Creator: Chen Hongshou.
Landscape in the Blue-and-Green Manner, dated 1633. Creator: Chen Hongshou.
Miscellaneous Studies, one leaf dated 1619. Creator: Chen Hongshou.
Landscapes, Figures, and Flowers, dated 1618-22. Creator: Chen Hongshou.